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The Evolution of Unipole Advertising - From Static to Digital Displays

Being one of the more impactful outdoor advertising methods that have garnered effective attention and thereby, brand visibility; the design of the unipole advertisements is a unique facade intended to speak to the crowd in a seemingly flamboyant temper due to its size. Being an enormous sign on a long pole, the unipole is meant to be visible from a distance and hold in an unmissable manner, the gaze of all passersby.

Marketeers and brands make use of the sense of splendor that unipoles can inspire in an onlooker and in areas where increased human activity and the possibility of continued traffic, the unipole proves to be a successful advertising strategy that compounds brand value with an impact. Impact as it has been recognised in recent decades, as the key to garner visibility by retaining one’s attention to further spillover beyond one’s encounter with the visual cue; a feat achieved by unipole advertisements unlike any other

One is likely to remember the ad one may have seen on the last unipole and it is more likely that one’s attention is drawn to the mere design of the impactful hoarding in form. Being able to recall the ad further leads to being able to remember the brand; a lucrative tool for businesses to present their ads upon. With technological advancements incorporated onto traditional unipoles with static images, unipoles have arrived at what seems to be the best of times for them to thrive in.

In other words, unipoles tell the success of outdoor advertising exclusively within its creative make and rely almost entirely on harnessing the ability to have a visually stark impact on audiences and often positioned strategically in areas with increased and ongoing human movement at all times of the day.

Unipoles Outdoor Advertising - the Forefront of Creating Visual Impact

It may be safe to say that advertisements at large and outdoor ads in particular, may ride on the benefits ad agencies gain from creating visual impact. Creative renditions of display signs and advertisements that capture and delight the looking eye thrive in the medium and unipoles may have shaped the appeal of standing out in their unique form.

Traditionally put up on a pedestal, static sign boards gained momentum as an efficient method to host brands and continue to see demand. Digital hoardings in the unipole are further, the latest value addition to the already thriving use of unipoles. Why and how do brands benefit from using unipoles to tell their story?

  1. 1. Exclusivity :

    Exclusivity - Hoardings, billboards, and outdoor advertisements have become non intrusive facets of the landscape today and by standing out within the normalcy that one is used to outdoors, the unipole achieves exclusivity without being an intrusive oddity to the looking eye. Brands using unipoles are able to appeal to passersby within the mold of exclusivity as it lends itself to increased visibility and effective brand narration.

  2. 2. A Designer’s Delight:

    As a large sign board upheld on a tall pole, the unipole offers a canvas that brands can design their ads to be displayed upon and by incorporating interesting visual elements, the brand is able to appeal to onlookers with their unique visuals for impactful marketing. While static sign boards popularly use a combination of colors, slogans, and images, digitally incorporated elements offer brands an array of visual choices. Lights are a popular example.

  3. 3. Capturing the Eye and the Imagination:

    The most effective advertising outcome achieved by the exclusive design of the unipole may be in the long lasting impact a brand can leave one with. By standing out as a large and a well designed sign at a height, the advertisement on the unipole has the potential to linger in the memory of the ones looking at it. Using a unipole may thereby lead to remembering the brand by every onlooker

Unipoles are in other words, seemingly tailor made to achieve all the advertising goals a brand can benefit from.

As a brand who seeks to make your presence felt, we at one of the best Display Advertising Company in Bangalore ,Avinashi Ads believe that our unipoles can elevate your visibility and enhance thereby, your brand value. By installing well designed unipoles strategically, we host your story and join you on an onward journey of success.